“Action is the spark that ignites potential.” - John Long
Photo by Christina Wochintechchat
This post offers 16 tips to help you design a winning resume. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
16 Tips
Create a brief profile section.
Summarize your skills and experience.
Mention the qualities that make you standout.
List your competencies. A Public Relations Specialist, for example, might possess some of the following competencies: Writing Press Releases, Project Management, Media Relations, Creative Thinking, Social Media, Networking, and Research.
Use bullets.
List three personality traits (three separate words).
The body of the resume should support what was stated in the profile.
Avoid copying your job description(s).
Talk in the present tense.
Write a case study - explain the problem and how you solved.
Stress how your dominant skills were applied.
Insert a testimonial – a comment from a supervisor, colleague, or client.
List your education last.
Create a Special Training/Professional Development section.
Always write a cover letter.
Tell the prospective employer why you are interested and how you can contribute.
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