This post presents resources for educators to help youth increase self-awareness.What are the benefits of self exploration? Students gain clarity about their interests, strengths, and abilities. Moreover, they see the connection between the classroom and the real world. The light at the end of the tunnel shines a little brighter.
Explore personality types.
When youth understand their personality type, it helps them to understand why they think and behave a certain way and it helps them better understand others. A good reference book for the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment is What Type Am I? It gives a good overview of the 16 types.
Below is a link to a free online assessment based on the Myers Briggs.
Uncover strengths.
Gallup has the Clifton StrengthsFinder for students, educators, and middle school students.
Take advantage of the free administrator guides, videos, and instructional materials from JIST.
The resources cover a range of topics including Soft Skills Solutions, Getting and Keeping a Job, Financial Literacy, Career Values, Communication Skills, Leadership, College Success, Overcoming Barriers, and more. In addition, you gain suggestions for presentations, quizzes, activities, and discussion questions. Click on the links to discover more.
Knowing what you excel in is the key to success. The journey begins with introspection - understanding your unique skills, personality traits, and talents makes the difference. You will help them to get on the right track. “If you don’t know which road to take, any road will get you there…If you don’t know which road to take, no road will get you there."
Write to Stephanie Harbin at