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How to Be More Productive (16 Tips)

Writer's picture: sdharbinsdharbin

This blog post recommends 16 ways to be more productive. In addition to increasing your effectiveness, you'll reduce stress and manage time better.

16 Tips

  • Make a daily declaration.

You will have what you say. Therefore, decree and declare that every day will be peaceful, prosperous, and productive.

  • Create a theme.

Giving each day a focus will increase your output immeasurably. At the same time, a theme shifts the way you think about the task.

  • Be aware of your body’s clock.

Wake at a time that is right for you. Some people are early birds, others are night owls. You will be more productive if your schedule is in sync with your body's clock.

  • Prepare the night before.

Get a jump start on the next day by preparing the night before. Make a to-do list of things you must get accomplished the next day. Choose what you're going to wear. Pack your lunch. Prep the coffee machine.

  • Prep your workstation before you leave for the next day.

Before you leave work, prep your workstation for the next day. Remove any lingering clutter and set out the necessary tools for completing the first task on your list for tomorrow.

  • Switch to email instead of phone calls.

See if clients are willing to switch to email instead of phone calls if those calls tend to drag on. Then set specific times to handle emails each day.

  • Make each email count.

Make each email count. Be clear and precise in what you write so you reduce the number of emails being sent back and forth.

  • Keep a distraction list by you while you work.

When a thought pops in your head that is off task. Write it down and come back to it once you have finished the task you're working on.

  • Keep a distraction list by you while you pray.

Ever noticed how Satan reminds you of other things to do when you're praying? Write it down, and thank him for reminding you.

  • Start each day with a routine.

Even if it only takes a few minutes to do. This might look something like:



A brisk walk or stretching

Read or journal



  • Identify the one thing you can do that will make everything easier or unnecessary..

The One Thing system is based on one of the highest rated business books: The One Thing. Click the link to learn more:

  • Know the myths.

Gary Keller, the author of The One Thing devised a list of productivity myths. They include everything matters equally, multitasking, discipline, willpower is always on will-call, big is bad, and a balanced life.

  • Read The One Thing by Gary Keller.

This book will revolutionize the way you think and sharpen your focus. Get a copy today!

  • Make a grocery list.

Taking this step will save you time and money.

  • Set deadlines.

Assign each task a block of time to complete it. When you add time frames and can see exactly how your day is blocked out, you will stay more focused.

  • Shortcut work.

From scheduling emails to using keyboard shortcuts, anything that can shave off a few minutes of time and take care of repetitive tasks will boost your productivity. There are lots of tools and apps available these days.

Write to Stephanie Harbin at

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