This blog post presents 14 effective phrases to increase your communication and interpersonal skills. A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way (John Maxwell).
14 Phrases
I’m sorry.
This statement demonstrates awareness and responsibility.
Please, tell me more.
This statement demonstrates interest and listening skills.
I’m proud of you.
This statement demonstrates that you value individuals.
What is working well for you?
This question shifts the conversation to a more positive focus.
How can I help?
This question demonstrates value and caring.
What are your goals?
This question shows your concern for the person and team.
What seems to bug others the most?
This question demonstrates trust in a person’s opinion.
You have my full support.
This statement demonstrates confidence and trust.
I’m proud to work with you because...
This statement demonstrates appreciation and teamwork.
What could I do to become a better leader?
This question shows confidence and trust.
What has been bothering you?
This question demonstrates empathy and caring.
How can we improve?
This question demonstrates confidence and trust.
What are our customers saying?
This question demonstrates awareness and dedication to service.
What else?
This question demonstrates interest and teamwork.
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